1、The table structure provides presentational semantics for body-level content.
2、Use this with CSS when you want really clean markup, free of presentational clutter.
3、Presentational training is one mentality training method.
4、Advanced levels technical communications, personnel interaction and presentational skills.
5、CSS is a presentational language.
6、Examples of presentational sites are news or product documentation pages.
a. 表象的, 上演的, 演出的, 本身有意义的, 描述性的 详情0
complete circuit造句
1、One cannot make a complete circuit ofspray can造句
1、This spray can rid your house of search of造句
1、He set out in search of ideas for stardeface造句
1、Chalk marks deface the wall of the houfir tree造句
1、Two servants came in rich livery and camygdala造句
1、Activity in both the auditory cortex adifferentiated造句
1、The pulse is differentiated in terms ofucking造句
1、what took you so fucking long?什么把你耽搁得这stock broker造句
1、A stock broker firm, XYZ, has the folla live wire造句
1、We can insulate a live wire with rubbesc造句
1、On Framework of SC Process Managementcrashing造句
1、Standing at the edge of the bluff shecircuit造句
1、The balance valve circuit is to suppormargin造句
1、Their gross profit margin increased frsociopathic造句
1、of or relating to a sociopathic persongoverning body造句
1、A:What is the name of the world governrecess造句
1、Victor and Jason are on the basketballdeplete造句
1、deplete a lake of fish使湖中的鱼类资源枯竭2、Suresponsoring造句
1、The US is sponsoring negotiations betwpander造句
1、He was forced to pander to her every w