proper noun造句
1、A new proper noun enters vocabulary Do you add that to your voice?
2、The first letter of a proper noun must be capitalized.
3、A proper noun should be written with a capital letter
4、This is a proper noun Notice the first letter must be capitalised
on the books造句
1、Dust There was half an inch of dust onnext door to造句
1、He is next door to an idiot.他简直是个痴子。2、scrapper造句
1、The worker brought a new scrapper withac motor造句
1、The AC motor is an important mechanismunseal造句
1、Please unseal this room.请把本房间启封。2、Yearpapillary造句
1、The papillary muscles contract duringdeflationary造句
1、However, I am more certain than he ischip technology造句
1、Flip chip technology has become one ofmire造句
1、The one who had been slapped got stucklead the way造句
1、I'll lead the way this time.这次我来带路。2、Toverwhelming造句
1、Two overwhelming themes in English comrheology造句
1、It is the complicated dynamic rheologywall up造句
1、Passing vehicles splashed the wall upvolume of trade造句
1、The volume of trade went up by 5% in Dendotracheal造句
1、Operation was done under general anestsubscribe造句
1、We do not subscribe to this theory.我们不phone book造句
1、He finds a phone book and shouts to thcheerful造句
1、With a cheerful atmosphere, laughter aratchet造句
1、These Numbers would ratchet up furthernewspaper造句
1、A Washington newspaper published compa