1、A CAI System Based on Psychophysiology Information
2、Psychophysiology is a research approach in the study of sport and exercise psychology.
3、A psychophysiology method is used for analyzing and evaluation of public reading environment.
4、Psychophysiology method for evaluating public reading environment is investigated in this research.
5、This is the website for Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory, the University of Queensland.
n. 心理生理学, 精神生理学【医】 精神生理学, 心理生理学 详情0
1、Yes, I just finished, or more accurategraining造句
1、Technology and Mechanism of Electrolytinh造句
1、Obama is including another $5 billionconflux造句
1、Conflux of the four seas is no more thmeans造句
1、That means no yelling or whining, no mjames造句
1、James will be back at once, hang on.詹姆geodesic造句
1、of or resembling a geodesic dome.属于或类似eaten造句
1、corn developed to be eaten as a vegetaseething造句
1、They fell into the seething waters ofadsorbing造句
1、Study on the equilibrium of modified ahydrogenated造句
1、The last, isolation and identificationnervously造句
1、She did her hair up again nervously ansooty造句
1、A light - mantled sooty albatross lookinterdependence造句
1、A measure of the interdependence amongcropping造句
1、New cases have been cropping up dailyfroth造句
1、You have to get out of the froth of evcontact lens造句
1、Some of the obvious challenges of builpony造句
1、This year, Linda got her own pony as amodularization造句
1、Micromation, modularization and digitibreathalyser造句
1、An arresstee was requested to take a b