1、Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it.
2、Life tastes much the same, whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug.
3、Don't quaff the red wine.
4、Tourists quaff large amounts of the stuff but these days they are drinking cheaper, if not less.
5、We crave new knowledge like some people quaff coffee after a hangover.
vt. 狂饮, 大口地喝vi. 狂饮, 大口地喝n. 大口喝下的酒, 痛饮 详情0
1、A Study on Adsorbent ADA-4 of Anionicno matter what造句
1、And, no matter what I say, don't contrcachinnation造句
1、The rich cachinnation smiles: is yourlending造句
1、But lending is the chief problem.但贷款是主karachi造句
1、Do I have to change planes at Karachichalkiness造句
1、I hate blue shirt; chalkiness shirt sufalter造句
1、The recoveries in Hungary and Romaniawell out造句
1、The munitioneer did well out of the wabe in town造句
1、I know but I will not be in town on Safresher造句
1、To keep eggs fresher longer, stow 'emflour mill造句
1、The company has several well-known flowith folded arms造句
1、We can't stand by with folded arms whehandwritten造句
1、Make your memos legible; handwritten mdata field造句
1、The event object data field will be thquantization造句
1、The quantization of vortices has alsoprince charles造句
1、Prince Charles was invested as princenephritis造句
1、The clinical features of lupus nephritpreposterous造句
1、They have come up with one so prepostetax cut造句
1、A $ 6 billion tax cut pumped additionaemblem造句
1、A representation of an eagle used as a