1、Protects inventories from waste, spoilage and theft.
2、Food composition is a critical intrinsic factor that influences the spoilage process.
3、Spoilage bacteria do not cause illness but reduce shelf life and consumer acceptability of foods.
4、But it can't. Western spoilage is a result of personal habit and law.
5、Objective Exploring the feasibility of RAPD technique for identification of food spoilage yeast.
6、Various methods are employed by dairies to prevent raw milk spoilage in silos.
7、Food spoilage problems occur with minimally processed, concentrated frozen citrus products.
8、DependIng on the major substrate present In food, different types of spoilage may occur.
9、There are also smells associated with spoilage in wine.
10、The principal methods of avoiding spoilage are the use of pure yeast strains as starters.
11、Monitors and investigates spoilage and recommends appropriate actions to reduce.
12、However, spices also Can contain pathogenic and spoilage organisms.
n. 变质, 糟蹋, 损耗, 损坏【经】 (原料,材料,产品)损坏 详情

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