1、Absorbability and Transport Effect of BAU-9403 in Wheat
2、The paper studies on the effect of impressafining on absorbability of wood chips.
3、Conclusion PVC infusion sets have no absorbability on ciprofloxacin.
结论PV C输液袋对环丙沙星的吸附作用不明显。
4、Mulching and applying manures to improve the soil and the nutrient absorbability of the tree;
5、Synthesis and Application of High Water Absorbability Resin
6、Objective to investigate the absorbability of the PVC infusion sets to ciprofloxacin.
目的考察PV C输液袋对环丙沙星的吸附性。
7、Objective to investigate the absorbability of the PVC infusion sets to enoxacin.
目的考察PV C输液袋对依诺沙星的吸附性。
8、Absorbability is an important property of waterleaf base paper.
n. 可吸收性【机】 吸收本领, 被吸收性 详情猜你喜欢
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