animated cartoon造句
1、What animated cartoon do you like looking at? Why?
2、Artists drew the characters that appear in the animated cartoon program.
3、“CQ” is the second sequel to the series of animated cartoon style games.
4、And the story of the animated cartoon "the Magnificient Steiner" will now first to be unveiled!
5、Plane Crazy was the first animated cartoon to feature Mickey Mouse and his girlfriend, Minnie.
1、To arrange, do, or make hastily or carorthotopic造句
1、A lamb was born after orthotopic transdisulfide造句
1、The invention relates to application otake造句
1、Take action immediately! Yes, right noacademically造句
1、He failed to shine academically but hetake notice造句
1、People need to take notice when they bisoleucine造句
1、The keti acid is converted to isoleucicomparer造句
1、Returns distinct elements from a sequecoldly造句
1、We have coldly received them.我们冷淡地接待了他retell造句
1、Someday, you can retell your family'sintervertebral disk造句
1、Lumbar intervertebral disk hernia ismink coat造句
1、June : I do not want a mink coat ! I woscillation造句
1、Oscillation resonance of levitated MTGa little造句
1、Finally, I can relax a little bit我终于能够haemorrhagic造句
1、Marburg haemorrhagic fever has been cbuckled造句
1、We should've buckled up all by ourselvwatchband造句
1、They are the bars that are used to conselect造句
1、Every year, the WMO will select a thempajama造句
1、Llama a llama red pajama waiting waitiprobably造句
1、Of course diphtheria still presents a