1、Create a new workspace by appending the name L10 to the default name.
通过将名称L 10添加到缺省名称,创建一个新工作区。
2、The procedure name is made unique by appending with a numeric value.
3、You tell Domino your identity by appending a session cookie to the request headers.
4、You can accomplish this task by appending the class name to the element name.
5、The append benchmark consists of appending a random range of the input string to itself.
6、The name of this file is created by appending the pattern name with Parameters.html.
该文件通过在模式名后增加Parameters . html命名。
7、'a' indicates that you want to write data to the file, appending to the end.
'a '表示要向文件写入数据,但是添加到当前内容尾部。
8、Tell the OSLC-CM provider to use the Window Name protocol by appending this to the dialog url.
通过将以下的代码添加到对话框url中,让OSLC - CM提供者使用WindowName协议。
9、By appending and delete to the previous command, you can also physically delete the backup copies.
10、Specific customers are represented by appending an identifier to Customer, such as /customer/ims.
特定的客户则通过在Customer 之后追加标识符加以表示,例如 /customer/ims。
11、Its file name is created by appending the pattern name with Overview.html.
它的文件名是在模式名后面附加overview . html。
12、You can do another layer of versioning by appending version Numbers to the name of the BAR file.
13、Many people like appending extension to all Perl programs for clarity.
为清晰起见,许多人喜欢将 .pl扩展名附加到所有Perl程序。
14、The type of information found in a WSDL, and which can be obtained simply by appending a?
15、Appending parameters to the URL turns out to be, in many cases, exceptionally simple.
16、You have to just add the timeout value by appending it with "-t 60".
您只需添加超时值即可,即在后面附加“ - t 60 ”。
17、Specifically, SOAP-DSIG defines a data format for appending an XML signature to a SOAP message.
特别地,SOAP - DSIG定义了向SOAP消息中附加XML签名的数据格式。
18、We will explore methods for appending multiple ShadowBox objects to create interconnected pieces.
19、XML namespaces turn local names into global ones by appending a global identifier to the tag name.
20、You'll see an example in a moment of appending content.
21、We also illustrate appending output to existing files.
22、The table name is made unique by appending a numeric value.
【计】 增生 详情

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1、An edible, usually sweet and fleshy fogoof off造句
1、We've discovered a method to goof offunit testing造句
1、Develop a unit testing plan.制定一个单元测试计划sample survey造句
1、But I do know a few things. I know thatranscend造句
1、I intend to transcend the need to be ceviscerate造句
1、Corporate giants cooperate with otherintrauterine造句
1、Some of intrauterine infection, especinephrectomy造句
1、Methods 61 cases undergone radical nepwhipping造句
1、But we need a whipping boy, and economa body of造句
1、a body of students who graduate togethhunt up造句
1、Where did you hunt up all this informaeuthanasia造句
1、Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardbranch office造句
1、This file represents the customer dataacrophobia造句
1、Why he is free from acrophobia when stswap造句
1、Finally, you use the /etc/swapspaces fpartial solution造句
1、It was only a partial solution to thewink at造句
1、Mother wink at Laura as a sign for herdialysis造句
1、Another form of dialysis is called persoonest造句
1、And soonest our best men with thee doe