1、E - Avionics and Battery Master Switches.
2、Boeing has a flying testbed with a full avionics suite to help us
3、ARINC429 specification is a digital transfer bus standard widely used in the avionics devices.
ARINC 429总线是广泛应用于航空电子设备上的一种数字传输总线。
4、The majority of these avionics are installed on a pallet in the gun bay and in two wingtip pods.
5、Boeing has a flying testbed with a full avionics suite to help us.
6、PikeOS is used in the avionics industry for safety-critical avionics applications.
7、About Standard Avionics ATE of Overseas
8、High speed data bus is the key technology in avionics integration for advanced fighters.
9、Progress of Avionics Orientated Towards the CNS/ATM System
10、In addition, advanced avionics and electronics give it excellent air-to-ground precision.
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