bucked up造句
1、When the dollar bucked up at the end of 1980, gold prices retreated.
2、After taking a shower, he bucked up a little
3、An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff
4、felt bucked up by his success.
5、After taking a shower, he bucked up a little.
1、This problem touches everyone's heartsignoble造句
1、He had not met an ignoble end; he wasvires造句
1、In optimization conditions, the viresfoot造句
1、An old injury to his right foot had belook-out造句
1、It's a bleak look-out for the coal indfield application造句
1、Field application indicates that the smanagement plan造句
1、A. Sponsor creates the project managemmake room for造句
1、They cut down a lot of trees to make rjumble造句
1、I got it for next to nothing in a jumblaw of thermodynamics造句
1、The Analysis of Second Law of Thermodymichael造句
1、Here is the interview with Archangel Mnine造句
1、The train to Jinan leaves at nine in tvilla造句
1、What went on inside the Hambleden villnon-transferable造句
1、The invitation is non-transferable andflintlock造句
1、(formerly) a British infantryman armedas though造句
1、It looked as though it might rain at alegitimize造句
1、In a sense, competition actually is gokursk造句
1、We’ve already written about the Kurskload capacity造句
1、A torsion bar is used in a high load cunpick造句
1、You can always unpick the hems on the