buckle down to造句
point out造句
1、Optimists point out that technologicalto go造句
1、He planed to go fishing for salmon onrated output造句
1、The rated output of the motor shall belogistic造句
1、Many empirical studies have made suresteam-powered造句
1、The steam-powered printing press was spatron造句
1、Companion of St. Michael and St. GeorgQuixote造句
1、Don Quixote was written by Miguel DE Ctsetse造句
1、Tsetse flies are found just in sub-Sahmitigation造句
1、Experts have floated several mitigationosedive造句
1、The plane plunges in a nosedive and tucochlear造句
1、Natural Missing of Hair Cells in Cochlstint造句
1、He did a stint abroad early in his carcreate造句
1、The Food Guide Pyramid is an easy waymaypole造句
1、Jim: What are those long ribbons hangiclammy造句
1、That's not cheap, but it's a lot bettepublish造句
1、They only publish novels which cater tsuperannuated造句
1、Only an occasional banana grove or supesm造句
1、Design of ESM system of virtual enterpmarvellous造句
1、It seems to me a marvellous film我看这是一部go without saying造句
1、Oh, I couldn't let you go without sayi