1、Treatment: Over-the-counter creams, such as calamine lotion.
疗法 :可在(普通药店)柜台上买到药膏,比如炉甘石洗液。
2、The Study on Clinical Effect of Chinese Compound Calamine Topical Powden on CIN;
3、Calamine or Japanese to participate in and lead, turn color to brass;
【化】 异极矿; 炉甘石【医】 炉甘石, 异极石 详情0
1、In the selfsame day was Abraham circumchemically造句
1、They work by either chemically absorbia bad word造句
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1、Could I get some information about theexudation造句
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1、make excessively or undesirably hot.过分delphi造句
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1、Kill me, dethrone me, but please leavepolarity造句
1、The second dating method was palaeo -tire of造句
1、I'll never tire of it.我永远不会厌倦它。2、I nevforeshadowing造句
1、threatening or foreshadowing evil or tstand-up造句
1、He was wanting to become a stand-up coin position造句
1、The Application of Job Descriptors innewspaper造句
1、A Washington newspaper published compacrew造句
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1、I impeach him in the name and by virtu