1、Install caliper over rotor and into mounting bracket.
2、I Corporation sold all calipers, a few caliper, caliper table with measurement tools.
3、Micron: Alternative term for Micrometre. A unit to denote the caliper of paper and board.
4、Pigging and caliper with clear pig diameter than pipe diameter usually to interference by 5% to 8%.
5、The utility model discloses a pair of multifunctional caliper compasses.
6、Stirrup wheel knuckle support assembly using caliper brakes.
7、The method described here relates to the type where part of the caliper is removed.
8、Pigging and caliper the construction process of the same.
9、Caliper board for aluminum, general 12 mm thickness is usually to 15 mm.
10、Caliper dynamic brakes and internal brakes are available on select models.
11、The single - piston floating - caliper disc brake is self - centering and self - adjusting.
12、A vernier caliper and a personal computer were used for measurements and calculations.
13、We highly recommend you use Caliper to run your own microbenchmarks.
14、Methods To measure the diameter by using vernier caliper and analyze them by statistics.
n. 测径规, 卡钳vt. 用测径规测量 详情猜你喜欢
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