
1、A plan of action finally jelled in myfe造句
1、FE analysis and stress measurement ofassuming that造句
1、The script looks harmless enough assumhero worship造句
1、Hero worship is strongest where therestrategic decision造句
1、This is a strategic decision jointly mcareer plan造句
1、A career plan is like a story arc-therscrew cap造句
1、The screw cap keeps the wine in optimaunfair造句
1、It is unfair to bracket together thosebalkan peninsula造句
1、An ancient region of the Balkan Peninssiberia造句
1、Siberia is Russia's treasure chest.西伯利justifiably造句
1、The Chinese are justifiably nervous, hdark-haired造句
1、Under the tree was sitting a beautifulin parallel造句
1、The calculations are performed in paratrouser造句
1、One of his trouser legs was torn.他的一条裤crete造句
1、Around 1900, there were many excavatiotoxic gas造句
1、We must take measures to prevent the esinuosity造句
1、A case study is made for low sinuosityon that score造句
1、On that score he was blameless.在那一点上,他yellowstone造句
1、The Yellowstone Volcano is still activgrasp at造句
1、He tried to grasp at the money, so he