characteristic value造句
1、The frequency distribution of characteristic value of the male cones and pollen is abnomal.
2、The smallest characteristic value corresponds to the lowest natural angular frequency.
3、The potential evapotranspiration is an important characteristic value in climatology.
characteristic value翻译
【计】 特征值【化】 特征值; 本征值【经】 特征值, 特性的价值 详情

1、Strictly speaking, however, fatalism ififth wheel造句
1、Since my girlfriend did not come, I wato apply for造句
1、In other countries, it would go to thesupport tool造句
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1、Shirley had to make over her dress becseparable造句
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1、How many copies shall I print off forprojection造句
1、Digital projection technology belongscorrecting造句
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1、Discussion on the hearing aid fittingfrog造句
1、They are found in a multitude of coloudinkum造句
1、Of course, if you are dinkum to add grunheard-of造句
1、We are developing our production at anecessitate造句
1、Divorce or death may necessitate buildfixable造句
1、These issues are all fixable — they'redust造句
1、Preconditioning: an unpainted surface:sense of humor造句
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1、So we're going to finish up with those