1、This is the crop of the Indian subcontinaccuracy造句
1、When planning ahead, coping with inacchoward造句
1、Howard stood in the middle of the roomjudiciously造句
1、In the past, we have had the foresightchurchill造句
1、Winston Churchill is knighted by Queenpower function造句
1、The results show that computing cost ibonder造句
1、In this paper, an automatic wire bondecommon sense造句
1、Still this common sense fails to reverlatticework造句
1、The front view, in latticework 40x40cmmoderated造句
1、Mr White moderated on a weekly panel snerval造句
1、Nerval incretion specific protein analquality factor造句
1、The phase-inverted tube in the vented-unsaved造句
1、If you attempt to run an unsaved SQL rassiduity造句
1、That "Your requirement is our pursuingthe day before yesterday造句
1、I saw her the day before yesterday andimpossibility造句
1、Then the author differentiates impossiglobal variable造句
1、The owner of the global variable is exvillainy造句
1、Now if you'll excuse me, I've got firspositive sign造句
1、Another positive sign was a statementabstractly造句
1、The ability to think abstractly or pro