1、The hunter is a stout lusty fellow.那猎人sildenafil造句
1、Does sildenafil cause myocardial infarinstantiate造句
1、The first thing you do is instantiatezip code造句
1、This is the ZIP code list of El DoradoX-rays造句
1、Not allowing the passage of x-rays orinternational dispute造句
1、An international dispute may be causeddrive at造句
1、Peter let drive at me with a stone.彼得拿inner ear造句
1、Establishment of animal model of autoicognizant造句
1、They are cognizant of their own needsmimic造句
1、She gently dots it on to the face sporstationery造句
1、I want to get some stationery and envecoming back造句
1、I might decide to allow the man cominggarden chair造句
1、This garden chair folds flat.花园里用的椅子可以telly造句
1、At home, I grab the telly control andsubaerial造句
1、White triangles are subaerial Recent vimpulse造句
1、An electrical impulse is sent to the evisa造句
1、When the visa finally arrives, she decleaning造句
1、A young and beautiful girl was leaningveterinary surgeon造句
1、A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of amisadventure造句
1、Such corrections are not automatic: so