1、Her father — "a sharp, beautiful dude with a diamond stickpin" — would have none of that.
2、Kirk Lazarus: I know who I am! Im the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude!
3、I probably would be the only southerner white dude who am happy for the victory of the Yankees.
4、We're not going to get all inspired and emotional about something some dude said thirty years ago.
5、Saying a dude is being unmanly can be a pretty harsh cut down.
6、The dude dropped in at the Dewdrop Inn for a drop of drink.
这个 * 进了露珠酒馆要了一杯酒…
7、Kirk Lazarus: I know who I Im! I m the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude!
8、Today, I was working at a shoe store and was helping a dude try on shoes.
9、The dude always raced from the front.
10、It's the ultimate brainless dude comedy and I love it.
11、Recent Emmy-winner Joey Pants is one bust-out, badass dude who deserves a hit.
12、Michigan dude is Napoleon and he's the very same person as New York dude.
n. * 详情猜你喜欢
1、Beads made of aquamarine can bring lucfunny bone造句
1、He hit his funny bone on the arm of thanaerobe造句
1、The anaerobe resistance fungus medicinoctopus造句
1、We recently found this octopus showercatfish造句
1、catfish of the Caribbean area.加勒比海诸岛的鲶equestrian造句
1、Springsteen wasn't there; his daughtergoaded造句
1、Hunger goaded him to steal a loaf of byolk sac造句
1、The yolk sac and yolk stalk on one ofnot exceeding造句
1、Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps nsubtype造句
1、A subtype can also add more element anequipped造句
1、All bedrooms are equipped with a largehyperboloid造句
1、The Design of the Hyperboloid Shells iexaggerated造句
1、This photo, with highly exaggerated cobelfast造句
1、Police have foiled an attempt to smuggmisinterpretation造句
1、But the idea that anyone over 40 backdimness造句
1、The room was quiet in the dimness of ecapri造句
1、Capri can't stop laughing. "Come on, ycpa造句
1、With the CPA license I have a better oengraft造句
1、Don't engraft your ideas in other's midegrade造句
1、In sound recording, interference, such