1、You are welcome to come here, stay for some time, and feel his strong, effulgent Presence.
2、In fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm.
3、Why is baroque right for one age and too effulgent for another?
a. 光辉灿烂的 详情0
1、We should've buckled up all by ourselvHague造句
1、Hague urges opposition to unite.英国外长呼吁lion cub造句
1、A young lion cub tries to swim in thecimetidine造句
1、Object: To study the immunoregulatoryself-criticism造句
1、It also self-criticism the design andsoil erosion造句
1、The soil erosion in the alluvial goldvelour造句
1、Soft velour fabric with over 2" of fitirelessly造句
1、Two Web 2.0 startup founders may workbomber造句
1、The TIE bomber marks one of the few Imnothing if not造句
1、We are nothing if not polite.我们一无所有,如果vicissitude造句
1、So a new vicissitude of information dipda造句
1、Then an introduction from Microsoft lemicroprocessor chip造句
1、The behavior design and simulation ofsuppressed造句
1、The universal demand for human freedomeconomic welfare造句
1、Suppose we want to compare the economifatalist造句
1、Start unlearning fatalist world views.lofty造句
1、Lagrange is the lofty pyramid of mathelancaster造句
1、We calculate that the average size farservice造句
1、Service requester - The client, whichhandbill造句
1、Handbill advertisement: Can be in urba