1、The Dragon of Earth is the stolid, slow, even-tempered one among the Elemental Dragons.
2、Charles had been described as a gentle and even-tempered man.
3、The even-tempered craftsman was not frightened by his shout.
a. 性情平和的 详情0
1、In hemorrhoid patients, those veins stcool it造句
1、Imagine how cool it would be if someonunmoving造句
1、She sat unmoving for a long time. Herwithdrawing造句
1、Sound money commentators fret about thblemished造句
1、C. Reject and do not install blemishedbirth defect造句
1、Congenital——a birth defect that is notfashion designer造句
1、This young fashion designer is risingpierre curie造句
1、Pierre Curie was introduced to Marie Sunderlie造句
1、Lewin focused on motivation and the mosubmachine造句
1、a type of submachine gun that is desiglife line造句
1、Contrary to popular belief, the life lagreed造句
1、Henderson agreed to close down Pontiacbowels造句
1、Bonita said it was a man with bowels olegal protection造句
1、Legal protection is provided for the oSMB造句
1、Much work has been done on modeling anprecipitously造句
1、The complexity rises precipitously aftgond造句
1、a Dravidian language spoken by the Gonif necessary造句
1、If necessary they can form a defensivemay as well造句
1、I need an account anyway, so I may asmastitis造句
1、It play an important role in preventio