1、It is made up with a little door and simply extractable stair
2、The gold in the oceans is too diffuse to be extractable at a profit.
3、It is made up with a little door and simply extractable stair.
4、Extractable juice content was highly negatively correlated with the incidence of woolliness.
5、Like 84-1lmi adhesive, this product also exhibits low levels of extractable ionic impurities.
6、The gold in the oceans is too diffuse to be extractable at a profit
a. 可抽出的, 可摘录的, 可推断出的, 可提取的, 可榨取的, 可榨出的, 可拔出的 详情0
loan application造句
1、In their loan application document, thpet shop造句
1、Today,I visit a pet shop with my frienarbiter造句
1、He was the ultimate arbiter on both thvelvety造句
1、It is a small beautiful 3.1 inch aquacosta rican造句
1、Gilberto tamed the crocodile so well tnorthern hemisphere造句
1、The northern hemisphere summer saw exccore barrel造句
1、Application of HZ308 Multi-function CoComex造句
1、I mean Comex is irrelevant to them.它们是adjuster造句
1、Because the name of the adjuster willcandy bar造句
1、A glass of chocolate skim milk insteadfruit tree造句
1、Can you tell me where is the fruit tresalesman造句
1、The salesman cheated me into buying aelectric typewriter造句
1、You just can get accustomed to the eleprematurely造句
1、The sun's UV rays can degrade and premcorroded造句
1、Review of the Research of Bond Propertcategorise造句
1、Collect categorise data using powerfulhidebound造句
1、London doesn't seem as hidebound by trpupa造句
1、The larva or pupa of a mosquito.孑孓蚊子的幼academic造句
1、Trump's academic performance at Whartomalignancy造句
1、Excluded were patients with an esophag