federal funds造句
1、The federal funds rate is the rate at which Banks lend money to each other, usually overnight.
2、This left the federal funds rate and the discount rate at 3.0% and 3.5%, respectively.
3、Obama could devote federal funds to help struggling states close budget gaps.
4、A low federal funds rate helps limit returns in the bond market.
federal funds翻译
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negative value造句
1、A negative value is prefixed by a minupop up造句
1、Spyware slows computers down, and creatween造句
1、Ride's company offers science camps julatticework造句
1、The front view, in latticework 40x40cmmoo造句
1、MOO seeks to replicate the price and yjust the ticket造句
1、A change of scene would be just the tinormal price造句
1、The normal price of a ticket if$230!一张hot-wire造句
1、The velocity distributions of synthetiwooden造句
1、The summer house was a simple wooden cfrenetic造句
1、After that frenetic pace slower growthcapital structure造句
1、Capital structure is a very importantNL造句
1、But corrections introduced into the NLsaussurea造句
1、OBJECTIVE To ascertain the optimum conhang fire造句
1、If we hang fire now, we will never getcody造句
1、Cody accidentally hit me with a ball寇迪jump off造句
1、Charles: If everyone jumped off a bridAmmon造句
1、So the children of Ammon were subduedskull造句
1、Clinical analysis of newborn skull CThard-boiled造句
1、a colored hard-boiled egg or egg-shapechairman造句
1、The chairman gave a summary of his dis