gross profit margin造句
1、Their gross profit margin increased from 13% of PDA to 33% of OBM.
在获利能力方面,宏达电毛利率从代工PDA 时代的13%到成立自有品牌后的33%。
2、Within 10 years they had a gross profit margin of 50%.
3、Gross profit margin was 28.7% compared to 35.5% for the same period last year.
4、The computer has been programmed to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales.

1、His father bought a ski outfit for himbalding造句
1、This kind of guy can pull it off: Confpreoccupation造句
1、Preoccupation with body appearance orxylitol造句
1、Conclusion Fermentation process of xylentrust造句
1、All orders entrust to us are given oursexual harassment造句
1、sexual harassment of women at work女性在工landform造句
1、Characteristics of Aeolian Landform inequipment maintenance造句
1、Implement the equipment maintenance plbuttoned造句
1、First, let's get the facts buttoned dodepleted造句
1、Finding new seams to replace depletedcast about造句
1、The jailbird cast about him for a wayshameful造句
1、Only those who have no sense of shameterrified造句
1、Eleanor Roosevelt was a shy young girlcapital income造句
1、Rates on corporate and capital incometrust company造句
1、Or we can help you set up a trust compexecutive manager造句
1、The executive manager tossed out my appunch-drunk造句
1、Incessant background music makes me pulaw of supply and demand造句
1、Use the law of supply and demand to yoconversely造句
1、Conversely auditors and accountants ardefault judgment造句
1、A default judgment was issued against