1、a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
2、Development and Application of High Sensitive Water Holdup Meter.
3、Long holdup was expected as the air- traffic controller went on strike.
4、One more holdup and they would have tied a record for the most shuttle launch delays.
5、The gang commit three armed holdup on the same day.
6、I was annoyed - obviously the holdup wasn't my fault.
7、On Water holdup Meter Based on Refractive Index Modulation
8、The water holdup is obtained based on the carbon-oxygen ratio and relation of each water holdup.
9、The solid holdup decreases with the increase in the superficial gas velocity.
10、I mean, any rational holdup artist would have taken the money.
n. 拦劫行人的强盗行为, 劫盗, 停顿, 索高价【经】 索高价, 阻碍, 停顿 详情猜你喜欢
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