1、Frankfurterin: do you want to do something in Jena after your career?
2、ARQ is under active development, and is not yet part of the standard Jena distribution.
3、Jena is a comprehensive RDF toolset, and its abilities extend beyond what you've learned here.
Jena是综合的RD f工具集,它的功能远不止您这里了解的这些。
4、SPARQL support in Jena is currently available via a module called ARQ.
5、But for query interactions that involve the Jena query library, the difference is not as apparent.
6、Since the Jena case, there have been several other noose incidents across the country.
7、Barack Obama's support for the Jena teens is guarded.
8、Jena can persist its models on the filesystem, or in a relational database.
9、RDQL queries can be executed on the command line against a jena model using the jena.rdfquery tool.
使用jena. rdfquery工具可以在命令行上对jena模型执行rdql查询。
10、The tree was cut down by school officials in the wake of the arrests of the Jena Six.
11、Carl Zeiss was founded in1846 in Jena as a workshop for precision mechanics and optics.
12、Jena can create multiple models within a single database.
13、Did you know that Jena was claustrophobic?
14、The Jena project's homepage is a great place to start learning more about what it can do.
15、He said of Jena that it was "not a matter of black and white", but of "right and wrong".
16、Fortunately, Jena provides a mechanism for expressing generic queries, in the form of RDQL.
17、Jena provides several Reasoner types to work with different types of ontology.

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