1、Mungo and the droids followed, and managed to steal the rooze cure and free the Yomms.
2、Four spills came from a rig known as Mungo Etap, which is owned by BP.
3、Mungo won the competition, securing the admiration of the Umboo people.
4、The oldest bone found in Australia was at Lake Mungo in New South Wales.
5、Be rather the Mungo Park, the Lewis and Clark and Frobisher, of your own streams and oceans;
n. 短弹毛 详情0
1、TheVIP preview of FRIEZE began on a Weepoch-making造句
1、These are epoch-making times. Literallgastroscope造句
1、Do gastroscope afflictive? How many monothingness造句
1、Is there only nothingness after death?vying造句
1、California is vying with other statestown hall造句
1、Police and a spokesman at the town haloccipital造句
1、The pruning in the occipital lobe, athazard analysis造句
1、I find hazard analysis and critical cosubfamily造句
1、Of or belonging to the subfamily Anserwidth造句
1、They can go for the lower end of columbacteriology造句
1、Analysis of bacteriology test result obachelor of science造句
1、A. Bachelor of Science degree in Mechapost office造句
1、In our project, the post office is theshrapnel造句
1、Its ceiling was pockmarked with shrapnfield hockey造句
1、Growing up, Emma was on her school's dvacuum造句
1、The results can provide information foaga造句
1、A 150mm thick layer of Aga clay coversnonaqueous造句
1、Aluminium electrodeposition from nonaqsheen造句
1、To give a sheen to the surface of(silkpush-down造句
1、An index push-down has the following a