1、The reading and writing parts of naturalization test have also been redone.
2、Spouse's birth certificate or Naturalization certificate
3、They swore their allegiance to the U.S. and received their naturalization papers.
4、Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young
5、You must fill in the naturalization papers.
6、My grandfather's naturalization certificate hangs on the wall in my Chambers.
7、The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone.
8、When I served as a Federal District Court judge, I performed the naturalization ceremony regularly.
9、They were anxious to make their naturalization complete.
10、There will also be a naturalization ceremony welcoming 125 people as U. s. citizens.
11、The reading and writing part of the naturalization process have also been redone.
n. 归化, 移入, 移植【法】 入籍, 归化 详情猜你喜欢
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