1、The optimum carbon source was glucose and peptone as the optimum nitrogen source.
2、Among 9 nitrogen sources, protein peptone and beef peptone were better than others.
3、The optimum nitrogen source is urea, next is peptone or yeast extract.
4、It confirmed the formula of urging growth materials is cane sugar 7%, casein peptone 1%, urea 7%;
5、Peptone and free amino acids gave the highest growth rates and high levels of sporulation.
n. 胨, 蛋白胨【化】 胨【医】 胨, 蛋白胨 详情0
1、Volume Two, subtitled "The Lawyers," wsundial造句
1、The plan of passive house with sundialstay away造句
1、They began to stay away in droves andoff-site造句
1、How the ZED approach takes advantage ooff balance造句
1、A gust of wind knocked him off balanceablaze造句
1、The skies above London were ablaze witrepetition rate造句
1、Each stone has many kinds of molds sovery high frequency造句
1、VHFJ? Very High Frequency Jammer?甚高频干扰cse造句
1、Sanitation comes from CSE excellent dechromatography造句
1、Multicolor printing no chromatographyquintuple造句
1、The Quintuple of HNC theory and part opiezoelectricity造句
1、This paper reports the piezoelectricitcajole造句
1、To cajole with sweet talk.用甜言蜜语哄骗2、Howhyperlipemia造句
1、Methods All the 126 patients with mixekublai khan造句
1、Marco Polo 's travelogue mentions thateffervescent造句
1、Objective To study of preparation techbelt buckle造句
1、Pull out belt buckle with belt end moufirst amendment造句
1、It must certainly apply to matters ofcurrent year造句
1、CreateYearFolders - controls whether odeparted造句
1、After electing George Donner as their