1、Playboy and its bunny;
* 和兔子;
2、Nor does Playboy support multitasking.
* 也不支持多任务。
3、Snoopy and the Playboy bunny logo are often stitched onto clothing.
史努比和 * 的兔子标志常见诸衣端。
4、Marge Simpson is pictured behind a signature Playboy Bunny Chair Photo: PLAYBOY
玛吉辛普森同座椅的合照。 座椅靠背是 * 兔女郎的标志。
5、But first, Playboy will go looking for bunnies.
但首要的一步是, * 要去寻找商机。
6、Playboy began ranking party colleges 20 years ago.
* 自20年前开始对派对大学排名。
7、It was her unreasonable behaviour with a Texan playboy which broke up her marriage.
她和一个得克萨斯的 * 的不明智行为导致了她的婚姻破裂。
8、The Jordan Playboy didn't survive the Depression, but the ragtop did.
后来,乔丹? * 在经济大萧条中沉沦了,但敞篷车却活力依旧。
9、And he is a playboy with good dancing skills so I had to learn the Jitterbug!
他是一名有着高超舞技的 * ,所以我不得不学习跳吉特巴!
10、Some of us don't mind that our hero, playboy Tom, is one of New York's most notorious womanizers;
我们中的一些人对于我们的主人公——汤姆(帕特里克·德姆西)身为纽约市最为声名狼藉的 * 毫不在意。
11、The Playboy : This man is the active, self-confident, Don Juan-type seducer.
* 类:这类当然多为男性,活跃自信,唐璜类的大众情人。
12、Sam had been quite a playboy and did nothing at all in his salad days.
13、See the bartender at the Playboy Mansion for cocktail recipes.
你看看“ * 公馆”酒保的密制 * 配方就明白了。
14、Generally, Playboy pays more for less clothing.
一般来说,在《 * 》上是穿得越少挣得越多。
15、I got a few offers to do Playboy actually.
我确实得到了 * 的邀请。
16、Playboy Mexico printed 100, 000 copies of the issue.
这一期墨西哥版的 * 影印了100000份。
17、On the 2008 Playboy Jazz Cruise, I saw another indelible performance.
2008年参加 * 爵士海上巡游,我又遇上了一次令人难忘的表演。
18、Here, singer Sammy Davis Jr. kisses a guest at the London Playboy Club in 1969.
黑白影像捕捉到1969年歌手小萨米·戴维斯在伦敦的 * 俱乐部亲吻一位女宾的瞬间。
19、Shares of Playboy surged more than 14 per cent on the news yesterday.
昨日上述消息公布后, * 股价暴涨逾14%。
20、Is Playboy more expensive than any other magazines?
《 * 》要比其他的杂志贵一些吗?
21、Nostalgic for Playboy magazines from your past? Now they're available online.
你怀念以往的《 * 》吗?现在网上也能看得到了。
22、A hard-partying playboy has been spoiled by years of carousing.
寻欢作乐的 * 在多年的放纵后已变得颓废不堪。
23、The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.
在皎洁的月光下,那个 * 在我耳边悄悄说着情话。
n. * , 乖巧的人 详情

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