reflexive pronoun造句
1、Japanese can outsell any competitor inaccount balance造句
1、We expect the operation to return multwise to造句
1、They were also team players, by intensmain loop造句
1、You could program the main loop more emeasuring stick造句
1、It is a measuring stick to how well thsee action造句
1、Davis is expected to see action primarwelt造句
1、He got spiked or kicked in the chin, acouncil member造句
1、Los Angeles City Council member Herb Wfurore造句
1、The sensitivity of the question was shformalization造句
1、The requirements of formalization foralgae造句
1、The mechanism of algae removal in watemerchandise inventory造句
1、This is a merchandise inventory managehigh-resolution造句
1、The Iranian TV report said the new satmedical examination造句
1、forensic medical examination of materimilling造句
1、Our production facilities have lathes,unsocial造句
1、I work long and unsocial hours.我工作时间长,diversionary造句
1、The landing in Normandy is merely a diqueen of england造句
1、The Queen of England lives in Buckinghtestify造句
1、a Mafia member who was prepared to teshallow造句
1、Dedicate it, consecrate it, hallow it,