relaxation time造句
1、The wood-absorptive water is a multi dielectric relaxation time system.
2、Measurements of Paramagnetic Relaxation Time by CW Saturation Method
3、The approach like those of routine measurements of relaxation time is simple and accurate.
4、The relaxation time is thermally activated.
5、Relaxation time and knowing how to unwind.
6、And under this situation, it is no longer a linear function between relaxation time and pore size.
7、Thicker parts delay cooling and increase relaxation time and tend to result in lower orientation.
relaxation time翻译
【化】 松驰时间; 弛豫时间 详情0
1、a divine presence believed by Quakersremorseful造句
1、Even a remorseful Michael Vick snifflerefining造句
1、Spend the time defining and refining telisa造句
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1、Method: Copied asthmatic rats as experfeedback circuit造句
1、Auxiliary feedback amplifiers and switparatyphoid造句
1、Retrospective study on the clinical daboat造句
1、He held the boat steady as she got in.extractive造句
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1、But the problem is my telephonist must