1、At the roll-call the children answered up to their names
2、Roll-call will be at 7 a.m.
3、All 155 of the party's MPs turned out for the roll-call vote.
4、Well, but however it may be, there'll be a lot of men missing at roll-call to-morrow!
5、The guest list reads like a roll-call of the nation's heroes.
1、"Not me," said Ben, straightening himspublicizing造句
1、Consider establishing a newsletter, anhabitude造句
1、She became more mature and beautiful,cardiopulmonary造句
1、Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR,under observation造句
1、The doctor decided to keep him under oedit text造句
1、To edit text in Print Preview, click Mchipper造句
1、He'd stop at the chipper on the way hoinsole造句
1、The molds can be changed according tomicroscopically造句
1、Microscopically recognizable constituerepetition造句
1、The repetition of these noises often hta造句
1、Electronic Structures and Physical Protelephone造句
1、We were cut off twice by the telephonefill in造句
1、B. Fill in the blanks with the presentobjective evidence造句
1、He had no objective evidence that anytso many造句
1、He was so glad to be united with his fsyracuse造句
1、Several years later, Syracuse was captmonocotyledon造句
1、The herbicidal activity on dicotyledoningratiating造句
1、But by the new century he was ingratiakith造句
1、All John's kith and kin came to his welogician造句
1、Johnson was a logician who had also le