1、Kevin was "Zuck's" room-mate in the bungalow in Palo Alto; he's 29 and a billionaire.
2、You should talk to my room-mate Peter.
3、The other room-mate harold goy was a good soul no older than a child.
n. 同室者 详情0
1、Our vision is to manufacture the highedialling造句
1、Simon finished dialling and clamped thstring theory造句
1、Proponents say that string theory is edisassemble造句
1、There were two ways to go about it, hegape造句
1、You try on the trousers you arrived inaba造句
1、Effect of Paclobutrazol and ABA on Lipfagged造句
1、Four hours on the tennis court faggedrather造句
1、XML data is often heavily nested and cpumping station造句
1、There is a pumping station on the edgewagoner造句
1、Chief executive rick wagoner said thefinancing造句
1、Advantages: % Larger financing amountsanteroom造句
1、Henry emerged into the anteroom wherefirst appearance造句
1、To make a first appearance in a publicshoulder strap造句
1、"Soft neck" shoulder strap design withconceptualization造句
1、Ontology can represent the conceptualisesame造句
1、A good degree can be an open sesame tothe Orient造句
1、Ian is a dab hand at the Orient art.伊恩hospitality造句
1、The Cleveland Clinic has taken on manyfl造句
1、Take charge of the disposal for the FLfrench people造句
1、French people eat 40,000 tons of snail