1、Buckling Analysis of Rotationally Periodic Sandwich Laminated Shells
2、The practical formulas for the rotationally symmetrical cylinders and cones are derived.
3、The rotationally symmetrical flange facilitates mounting.
4、This event is rotationally held in different cities in China.
1、Wait and watch approach - intertwine eundeserving of造句
1、In this world, nothing was undeservingdejected造句
1、She looked so dejected when she lost tgroup technology造句
1、The constitution of typical parts is aadopter造句
1、Sure the Go 910 is priced at a premiumstatically造句
1、Note that this is statically typed.注意,total weight造句
1、In the compact disc, PC occupies the tvisually impaired造句
1、Spiders see only the HTML coding, justfutile造句
1、A futile act无效果的行动2、He patted her reasrich person造句
1、A filthy rich person tends to have a sstinger造句
1、Here's a stinger full of love.这里有一个毒刺充set up a business造句
1、These days, what do you need to set upchemotherapy造句
1、Salvage chemotherapy: Chemotherapy givnazi造句
1、His mother had been sent to a Nazi Gerexistential造句
1、Does this mean procrastination is an ecement paste造句
1、Mechano electric effect of cement pastbelted造句
1、She belted up her wind coat.她把风衣的腰带束紧。edgy造句
1、She’s been a bit edgy lately, waitingedification造句
1、The books were intended for the edificspiker造句
1、I want to buy large quantity of magic