sand casting造句
1、Add a of starch sand sand can improve the anti drying ability, reduce sand casting defects.
2、Mold material of rapid sand casting is one of important factor for realizing rapid sand casting.
3、Influence of Sand Casting Pattern on Casting Accuracy Degree
4、Sand casting is capable of making fairly complex shapes using relatively inexpensive wood patterns.
sand casting翻译
【机】 砂模铸造 详情0
to the letter造句
1、I'm writing in response to the letterriskiness造句
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1、Then the maximum value I can get is thlumbar造句
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1、The House bill would require inspectioeconomically造句
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1、Here's an example of deciphering the ifight out造句
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1、Both constitute the aggregate demand trayon造句
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1、But fundamentally, it performs an unglgouty造句
1、X—ray Diagnosis of Gouty Arthritis in