1、The zig-zag cladding is painted dark, merging with the shadows of the subtropical garden.
曲折的包层涂成深色,与 * 带花园的阴影融合。
2、Xishuangbanna has a subtropical climate
西双版纳属 * 带气候。
3、As a subtropical fruit, citrus is restrained by low temperature on its cultural area.
柑橘是 * 带水果,在栽培范围上受到低温的限制。
4、This scarlet macaw is found in the subtropical rainforests of Central and South America.
这种绯红金刚鹦鹉常见于中美洲和南美洲的 * 带雨林。
5、Small genus of tropical and subtropical leguminous herbs or shrubs or trees.
热带和 * 带的豆科的草本或灌木或乔木的小属。
6、Atlas moths are found in the tropical and subtropical forests of South-East Asia.
乌桕大蚕蛾在热带以及东南亚的 * 带森林较为常见。
7、Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest is widely distributed in the subtropical east of China.
常绿阔叶林广泛分布于我国的 * 带地区。
8、The path of BILIS is relation with the location and evolvement of subtropical high.
9、In the subtropical oceans, by contrast, phytoplankton populations drop off in summer.
相比之下, * 带海洋的浮游植物的种群数量在夏季回落。
10、Hurricane activity in the subtropical north-west of the Pacific dropped a whopping 70 percent.
太平洋西北部 * 带地区的飓风活动减少了70%。
11、The foothills descend into the subtropical Duars plain.
丘陵地带以下是 * 带的Duars平原。
12、There is a wide variety of subtropical trees;
沿海岸地区具有广泛、多样的 * 带树木;
13、The area includes subtropical forests and is home to 400 rare or threatened species.
该地区为 * 带森林并且是承载400余种稀有和濒危物种的家园。
14、Star anise: also known as fennel, anise, is a subtropical tree species unique economic region.
八角:又名茴香、大茴香,是南 * 带地区特有的经济树种。
15、This is because the Russian people in the frigid zone, Dalian in temperate, subtropical and you.
因为人家俄罗斯人在寒带,大连人在温带,而你在 * 带。
16、The emission flux of isoprene from major species in subtropical forest is also measured.
对于我国 * 带森林主要树种异戊二烯的排放速率进行了初步测定。
17、The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.
空气中弥漫着 * 带植物的香气。
18、The wahoo is a dark blue scombrid fish found in tropical and subtropical seas.
刺鲅是一种深蓝色的鲭科鱼,分布在热带和 * 带海域。
19、The Everglades is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States.
佛罗里达大沼泽地是美国境内最大的一片 * 带荒原。
20、Nanling subtropical forest forest types, the origin of ancient, save a lot of ancient relict plant.
森林类型南岭 * 带阔叶林,起源古老,保存不少古代残遗植物。
21、A subtropical humid monsoon climate zone.
属 * 带季风湿润气候区。
a. * 带的【医】 * 带的 详情

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