1、Class B: remote sensing geology explorindividualized造句
1、The individualized service in librarygreat divide造句
1、Meanwhile the great divide between pubrepair man造句
1、The repair man have come to mend the pas soon as possible造句
1、Move up a gear as soon as possible –ifbeta造句
1、Beta waves are characteristics of a stincriminate造句
1、to incriminate someone in wrongdoing使某as regards造句
1、As regards our commission, we think yovesta造句
1、Such meteorites look like igneous rockgolly造句
1、Golly gee, do I have to?喔,上帝,我必须这样吗?2、unheated造句
1、The activity of heat treatment catalyshardening造句
1、DP steel has better work hardening abipolycarbonate造句
1、Progress in Synthesis of Aliphatic Polpericardium造句
1、Primary malignant pericardium mesothelbreaking造句
1、Observing the breaking level of impactspecial pleading造句
1、It is special pleading to deny that Panervous breakdown造句
1、His nervous breakdown was by stress.他神stepchild造句
1、The stepchild position of g-2 in our ghotheaded造句
1、Hotheaded people shouldn't drive cars.dividing line造句
1、The dividing line between foods and me