1、They include uptime availability, exceptions, and availability variables.
2、First soft goal: uptime availability.
3、You need to consider three things to improve service uptime availability.
4、One safeguard instance is to increase service uptime availability with an SLA guarantee.
5、Amazon offers a "99.9% Monthly Uptime Percentage" Service Level Agreement for S3.
Amazon提供了一种S3的服务水平协议(Service LevelAgreement, SLA),保证“每月99.9%的正常运行时间”。
6、An example of executing both a disk check and an uptime check is shown in Listing 2.
7、You can evaluate uptime to ensure that the device has not experienced an unexpected restart.
8、Impeccable uptime can be matched, and your features copied.
9、Some clients need an environment that requires maximum uptime and stability.
10、Availability is measured in percent uptime divided by the total time.
11、Availability is measured as the percentage uptime of the application spread across the whole year.
12、Maintaining maximum system uptime is increasingly critical to the success of on demand computing.
【计】 可用时间, 正常运行时间 详情猜你喜欢
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