1、The friendly Wampanoag Indians helped them during the long winter.
2、The Wampanoag often ate the berries raw, or else in boiled or ash roasted corn cakes.
3、These Indians were part of the Wampanoag tribe.
4、Plus 90 Wampanoag Indians.
5、To find out, explore a re - created wampanoag home site, just a short walk from plimoth.
6、To find out, explore a re-created Wampanoag home site, just a short walk from Plimoth.
7、They took anything they could find, including Wampanoag supplies.
8、In the spring of 1621, an Indian brave named Squanto and her Wampanoag tribe came to their help.
9、Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 4, 500 Wampanoag descendants.

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1、An asexually produced fungal spore, foartesian造句
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1、We must disarm the beast, so that theyfatah造句
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