word processor造句
1、Work produced on a word processor tends to look more professional
2、More importantly, I had packed a word processor and a ream of paper.
3、Experienced operator: Word Processor SV68, 60 WPM.
4、He would often be working away on his word processor late into the night.
5、A decent drawing program and a word processor are more than sufficient for our purposes.
6、Work produced on a word processor tends to look more professional.
7、But one day, I waited minutes for my Web word processor to open a file.
8、A new word processor was introduced
9、It's more like a word processor than it is a simple text editor.
10、I really love word processor !
11、Trudi : My word processor is doing funny things.
12、The recognition of a letter flashing on a screen signals the word processor to choose that letter.
13、These editors emulate a word processor and are ideal for serious editing.
14、Take out a blank sheet of paper or open up a word processor where you can type.
15、Office skills include; operating English word processor and microcomputer, taking shorthand 85 WPM.
16、KWord is a full-fledged word processor that USES pop-up menus in various document elements.
17、I have my own word processor and printer at home, so that everything I need is on tap.
18、Don't think you have to develop your own word processor to accomplish anything meaningful, though.
19、The computer acts as a word processor where the text of a speech can be input at any time.
20、A text editor or word processor that can save in plain text format.
word processor翻译
文字处理软件【计】 文字处理软件 详情猜你喜欢
1、We usually have more callous on the leharassed造句
1、a harassed woman愁容满面的妇人2、Today in downbasal metabolic rate造句
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1、A field is provided to specify the ini