1、They are scheduled for arraignment October 5th.
2、the arraignment of the suspects
3、She was remanded to juvenile detention at her arraignment yesterday.
4、After Nashiri's arraignment a military judge is expected to set the schedule for the trial.
5、His arraignment is scheduled for later today.
n. 提讯, 传讯, 责难【法】 提审, 讯问, 审问 详情0
1、The structural features in Tongan Faulpinkie造句
1、I slipped the wedding ring on my pinkiinordinate造句
1、The idea of this gave me inordinate pleel造句
1、The grouper shakes its head to signalmoral obligation造句
1、Governments have at least a moral oblivocally造句
1、someone who communicates vocally in aplaying造句
1、They scraped a living by playing musicscheduler造句
1、Now we'll examine the two scheduler tubrush off造句
1、Investors tend to brush off jobless reinterlacing造句
1、The interlacing branches on the picturoccupational disease造句
1、Silicosis is occupational disease forJP造句
1、Member of Management Lab, participatedDMA造句
1、Others have DMA engines which need toor rather造句
1、He entertained him affably with news osergeant major造句
1、The sergeant major barked out the ordemanaged造句
1、I managed to winkle the news out of hiadder造句
1、Their poison is like the poison of a sadam smith造句
1、Adam Smith is a famous shoemaker in toglycoprotein造句
1、The purified DPL is a glycoprotein witseersucker造句
1、The grandstand was filled with men in