attach to造句
1、Each device you attach to a computer may need its own IRQ port.
2、They attach to the cell surface via specific receptors and are taken up by an endosomal vesicle.
3、Those are advantages that attach to the profession.
4、Intimin is an adhesion protein that allows the bacteria to attach to cells in the gut.
5、She trying to come up with a lable to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.
她试图想出一个标签,贴在 nutria时装上,以显示它是环保的。
6、Solution 1: Attach to the process after CLR code is used in the process.
7、All blame must attach to myself.
8、Once you find it, attach to the process with truss -c -p PID.
在找到该进程之后,使用truss - c - p PID附加到该进程。
9、Now attach to reflux condenser.
10、They mount to the hull and attach to the cowl easily and stay securely fastened when running.
11、The smart drive can attach to high chair, stroller or car seat.
12、You can browse the document library and pick the file you want to attach to your E-mail message.
13、The mongrels attach to a single database server.
14、They attach to a server, then join one or more channels.
15、attach to a support.
16、Do not attach to crib or playpen.
17、"That is according to the sense you attach to the question, sir.
18、The handles and shoulder strap are reinforced with steel rivets where they attach to the bag.
19、No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product.
20、Attributions are the reasons we attach to our own and other's behaviour, what we see as its cause.
21、Create a PDF version to attach to your email cover letters.
22、He hopefully waited for the advantages which would attach to wealth.
23、Each device you attach to a computer may need its own IRQ port
24、A stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull.
25、When they reach full size, they attach to a leaf by their tail, and a pupa is formed.
26、Lectins -- sugar-binding proteinsfound in plants -- can identify and attach to foreign invaders.
凝集素 --植物中与糖结合的蛋白 --可以识别并附着在外来入侵病毒细菌。
27、In addition, growth hormone can attach to binding proteins.
28、Easily closes to attach to any key ring, making it super easy to carry.

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1、Readers of poetry will know that moder