bullet train造句
1、Japan has confidence in its bullet train technology.
2、I will buy a bullet train ticket.
3、The Bullet train offers a fast, smooth ride between Tokyo and other major cities in Japan.
* 头列车在东京和日本其他主要城市之间提供了快速、平稳的旅程。
4、There was major disruption to air travel and bullet train services.
1、My niece sacredly sacrificed a piece ocirculatory造句
1、The balance sheet for a corporation caquint造句
1、Quint : I saw the movie yesterday andfont造句
1、Geomancy is a chunky, retro geometricstarter motor造句
1、The starter motor is a simple direct castute造句
1、Gael Clichy has looked an astute signigenerative造句
1、The Research and Development of Generaundervalue造句
1、We tend to overvalue money and undervaspiritual造句
1、The said is our brief statement on opesignal-to-noise造句
1、The relation of precision improving wigrapple造句
1、Shall we grapple and lay their ship abresin造句
1、The review of recent research progressfurious造句
1、She was furious at being upstaged by hMcm造句
1、Modeling of MCM Interconnection Delayunction造句
1、But ye have an unction from the Holy Odortmund造句
1、"If I come to Dortmund then it would oACS造句
1、A backup operation that USES DB2 ACS iclimate change造句
1、Myth 10: all proposed solutions to cliout-of-the-way造句
1、It is an out-of-the-way place.这是个偏僻的地方of purpose造句
1、Tom is so infirm of purpose that it is