1、It is named flowers because the host loves flowers, also he loves Chivalric fiction novels.
2、Chivalric novels are subject to the internal influence of traditional fictional paradigms.
3、Chivalric spirit is one of the important respects of the kind nature of human being.
4、Chivalric literature is a major achievement of medieval secular literature.
5、This period of creation mainly chivalric poems and frontier poems.
6、I although am the girl, but extremely likes reading the chivalric fiction novel.
a. 骑士的 详情

columbia university造句
1、Police say they have ruled out her fiamagnetic tape造句
1、Unusual wall clock made out of recycleas scheduled造句
1、This target will be accomplished as scduty free造句
1、You is allowed six litre of duty freeundamaged造句
1、Then you need a free and undamaged lancontorted造句
1、Her face was contorted with pain due tchecked by造句
1、If the system does not work properly,instrument造句
1、A large, valved, brass wind instrumenttrying on造句
1、She was trying on a new hat.她在试一顶新帽子。2uproariously造句
1、So uproariously gay was the dance, andharden造句
1、Have you taken care to harden the operawait造句
1、Then the journey continues on to a camdecode造句
1、Research of NBAP PDU Encode and Decodemanaged造句
1、I managed to winkle the news out of hifeedlot造句
1、But even a feedlot cow is a much lesstoehold造句
1、The firm is anxious to gain a toeholdnewcastle disease造句
1、Newcastle disease virus avirulent strpermissible造句
1、So I hope it’s permissible for me to aperforming artist造句
1、The aim of every performing artist iscontend造句
1、Every animal has its peculiarities tha