1、Don't ever wrestle with a pig.别和猪较劲。2、augury造句
1、Augury includes augury word and augurybravo造句
1、Bravo to you. Congratulations.向你们喝彩,恭喜interbreeding造句
1、Prolonged interbreeding in any speciesamalgamation造句
1、Amalgamation was the only alternativeimply造句
1、It's important to remember that "asyncmournful造句
1、the author of a mournful poem lamentinillegal act造句
1、Illegal act that is harmful to peoplewildflower造句
1、Wildflower waltz, sheep creek waltz, dgayly造句
1、"Let's stroll about" he said gayly risoculist造句
1、The oculist removed a foreign object finterior designer造句
1、I'm a freelance interior designer status造句
1、The government raises the social statusilly造句
1、At least her silly remarks livened theceremonially造句
1、Eat them as you would gazelle or deer.ssri造句
1、Medications, particularly the SSRI antelectrolytic cell造句
1、Particle electrode potential of bipolasurrealism造句
1、The project is named"39GeorgeV" is anparietal造句
1、It's muscle memory and that happens intax holiday造句
1、The new law, if passed, would also pha