end to end造句
1、To divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp blow.
2、Vascular injury was repaired by suture end to end or autograft.
3、End to End Performance Testing System Using TTCN-3
4、An MPEG-4video stream end to end transport scheme based on Internet
5、Put the two tables end to end over by the window.
6、To divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp blow
7、Design and implementation of end to end 3G network emulation system
8、To join(two ropes) end to end by interweaving their strands.
9、The main stretch can be walked from end to end in under an hour—but the stroll is not a quiet one.
10、SDH network end to end connection routing and timeslot selection algorithm
11、place end to end without overlapping.
end to end翻译
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