1、The Gloucestershire Old Spot or Orchard Pig has been around for about 200 years.
2、Gloucestershire village located approximately 25 miles north of Bristol.
3、One Gloucestershire farmer farms 2, 500 acres but does not own any of it.
4、One Gloucestershire farmer farms 2,500 acres but does not own any of it.
5、Soldiers of the English Gloucestershire Regiment battalion stop for afternoon tea.
6、The Gloucestershire Old Spots is a traditional breed suited to extensive production systems.
7、A Gloucestershire village located approximately 25 miles north of Bristol.
1、Preoperative pulmonary insufficiency rschooling造句
1、A child’s access to schooling varies gtiger造句
1、The fissures have been dubbed tiger ststeady state造句
1、The red arrow indicates the point whercyclohexene造句
1、The reaction conditions of the directanimating造句
1、It works with adding a class for animaportal造句
1、Hepatic artery thrombosis and portal vsupplement造句
1、Tablets supplement PCs but don’t replacalendering造句
1、Mainly used in rubber tire sidewall, pmonoxide造句
1、The injured miners were suffering fromstrobing造句
1、By strobing light at a high frequency,research and development造句
1、Now, it's the Research and Developmentdazzle造句
1、To dazzle so completely as to make blicongressional造句
1、Congressional leaders now have to workbrushwork造句
1、The fine brushwork figure painting goecleanliness造句
1、Personal cleanliness is important to hthought造句
1、The very thought of it made my mouth wintensive cultivation造句
1、Intensive cultivation exposes the eartnonviolent造句
1、We begin to live the nonviolent visionODA造句
1、ODA MAE: Oh! Shit! Unh! Oh!奥德美:哦,见鬼!啊!