1、Love your family, friends, helpmate and children, however, you should live for yourself.
2、She had now the right to be his helpmate in his all kind deeds.
3、I'm indeed getting on, and a helpmate would cheer my declining day.
4、If god considered woman a helpmate for man, he must have had a very poor opinion of man.
5、For God saw that the animals had their helpmate but Man did not.
n. 助手, 伴侣, 终身伴侣 详情0
1、In BPM 2.0, content doesn't remain cenconic造句
1、A conic section whose plane is not parsatiric造句
1、In 1726, he wrote and published his grbaltic造句
1、Crashing waves from the Baltic Sea scube in good health造句
1、Finally, the underlying operating systskiing造句
1、Skiing has become very popular recentlguerrilla造句
1、The guerrilla warfare has a great inflheritable造句
1、It can help establish meiotically hericonfidential造句
1、A shopper mistypes and enters the illewooly造句
1、Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, wwomanly造句
1、The sight of him filled her with a womheartbeat造句
1、Electrocution kills humans because itgold mine造句
1、The biggest gold mine closed last yearhave造句
1、If you have an IQ of at least 115, youpresent itself造句
1、The opportunity to do certain things iproblem造句
1、The problem in shipping extended to thadmission price造句
1、A few words of warning: the admissionoverlaid造句
1、Then he made poles of acacia wood andans造句
1、of or relating to or resembling ans asincense造句
1、Incense can attune the finite to the I