1、All fermentative processes are the resasia minor造句
1、region of western Asia Minor colonizedpeak造句
1、Discuss peak value dispersion techniququality of life造句
1、To improve the quality of life throughhuman beings造句
1、Some people believe that human beingspostgraduate造句
1、Current Trends of Postgraduate Educatikilter造句
1、He does not exactly deny the charge thasap造句
1、Please confirm it ASAP so that we canrough draft造句
1、Having a rough draft of the site's strrustle up造句
1、It failed even to rustle up a candidatkinetic energy造句
1、So the kinetic energy went down.动能减小了。seborrheic造句
1、Scalp seborrheic dermatitis;头皮 * ;2、whopping造句
1、Still, the company has a whopping 81 mgo it alone造句
1、We don't have to go it alone the way srule in造句
1、But, like a rule in Greek grammar, thedumpster造句
1、Do you have a dumpster out back I couldisrespectful造句
1、A disrespectful act or remark.无礼不尊敬的行为punitive造句
1、He opposes the court's effort to placedata-base造句
1、A Data-base Programme With Combinationhilt造句
1、How the hilt of a sword wandered so fa