1、Muscae is found on Musca domestica L.and C.
另外,在北京地区的家蝇(Musca domestica L.) 和蚜虫(Aphis sp.)
2、Construction of a cDNA Library of the Antenna of Housefly, Musca domestica
3、Biochemical characteristics of tyrosinase in Musca domestica were studied.
本文就家蝇Musca domestica酪氨酸酶(tyrosinase)的生物化学性质和抑制动力学参数做了基础性研究。
4、Circinus:a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum australe.
5、Results There were 17 species of genus Musca in Hebei province.
6、The Musca delivered the containers to Port Klang, one of Malaysia's busiest sea ports.
【医】 蝇属 详情0
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